I had the absolute pleasure to be granted a DYCP from Arts Council, England in March 2022 for 12 months of R&D. I was awarded this to develop the melding of my physical art with digital practice, whilst researching the embedding of accessibility from the onset of creation.
The overarching concept being how inaccessible digital installation art is still for many people. Below are some examples of work created throughout the year of development. The projections were created initially from images of my hand drawn art, learning how to use Resolume to merge physical and digital art, whilst pushing the software outside of the VJ arena. This means my work can be projected allowing me to radically upscale my work, something difficult for me due to my disability. These are works from the unconscious, often with entities and beings coming out without intention. Automatism, intuition and layering as the process, which echoes how I work in the physical realm.
My research and development was quite varied for this proposal so I had a lot to explore. Creating over 500 short test projections over 12 months along with developing physically drawn art. Shown is a small selection. I worked on understanding the speed of movement, colour contrast, rapid flashes of light e.t.c after interviewing deaf, disabled, visually impaired or neurodivergent artists. At the same time I researched different methods to create a layered, tonal, vibrational soundscape, accessed using haptic devices. It's been such a rich and rewarding 12 months of artistic development, experimentation and deep learning. It was an honour to be able to talk with such generous interviewees too.
They are integral to this body of work as I move into project stage so to them I extend deep gratitude.
Dame Evelyn Glennie
Carrrie Ravenscroft
Christopher Samuels
Fae Kilburn
David Johnson
Rebecca Vaughan
Louise Frost
Sean Chandler
Harry Baxter
John Powell-Jones
Tim Baker
And for all the intelligent and supportive mentorship from Jennifer Gilbert.
Below is a selection of videos and hand drawn pieces.
Screenshots from Videos

Hand Drawn Selection